The electronic signature
Still confidential just a few years ago, electronic document signatures can now be found everywhere in your administrative procedures. Also known as a digital signature or digital signature, this type of virtual signature has the same legal value as a handwritten signature, provided it complies with a precise framework. But how do you sign a document electronically? How can you be sure you're using a reliable site that complies with the law on online digital signatures? Find out everything you need to know about electronic signatures, from their history to standards and security.
Online electronic signature: how does it work?
As its name suggests, the electronic signature is an entirely dematerialized confirmation of reading or acceptance of documents. Where once you were accustomed to signing a document as a form of commitment, the online signature works on the same principle. This type of dematerialized signature has no more or less value than a handwritten signature. It does, however, save precious time in administrative management for both private individuals and professionals.
To avoid misuse, it is imperative that you provide proof of your identity when you sign an electronic document. This proof of identity can take several forms: a temporary code received by e-mail or text message, verification of information in your possession(a tax number, for example) or even the physical return of a contract signed online.
Online electronic signature: What is the legal framework?
Although thought to be more recent, the electronic signature has had legal value since 2014. Recognized by the "eIADS" regulation no. 910/2014 of July 23, 2014 and confirmed by articles 1366 and 1367 of the French Civil Code, the digital signature is as valid as a traditional signature on a paper medium.
However, theAgence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information(or ANSSI) is keen to avoid any risk of electronic signature misuse, insisting that it is essential for a digital signature to be recorded by a Trusted Service Provider(or PSCO).
The organization requesting your electronic signature must be registered with ANSSI as a PSCO to provide your signature with a legal framework, both to confirm that it has been affixed and to invalidate it in the event of a dispute. Your PSCO must therefore be able to provide proof of ANSSI certification, demonstrating among other things that theelectronic signature tool complies with the aforementioned regulations and articles of law.
Of course, your Zeendoc partner is recognized as a PSCO by ANSSI, guaranteeing you a 100% legal and 100% reliable electronic signature.
Online electronic signature: Which documents are concerned?
Insofar as the digital document signature has the same legal framework as a conventional signature, it can be affixed to any document. This includes, for example :
- Any type of contract(employment contract, rental contract, lease, etc.)
- All types of business documents(quotations, invoices, delivery notes, printing orders, etc.)
- Any type of HR document(job description, employment contract amendment, internship agreement, etc.)
- All types of documents for private individuals(insurance policies, cancellation letters, sales mandates, inventory of fixtures, etc.)...
Please note: the document to be digitally signed must be in .PDF format. This is the only file format authorized in Europe for electronic signatures. This dematerialized signature will be integrated directly into the document(and not in a separate file).
If the document requiring your digital signature is not in .PDF format, it is possible to create a PDF file using office software. Only once the original document(in .doc or handwritten form, for example) has been transformed into a PDF file can it be completed with a digital signature zone. In all cases, it is strongly recommended to seek the intervention of a trusted third party authorized to receive electronic document signatures, such as Zeendoc.
Your "Electronic signature" questions
- How can I check the validity of an electronic signature?
- What's the difference between digital and electronic signatures?
- How do I set up an electronic signature?
- Is an electronic signature legal?
- What are the advantages of electronic signatures?
- What is an electronic signature?
- All you need to know about electronic signatures
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Take advantage of Zeendoc, the EDM solution for VSEs/SMEs